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About Two Rivers

Two Rivers School is a 9th - 12th grade choice school that is a part of the Big Picture Learning network.  We currently have one advisory at each grade level with a maximum student number of 16.  We feature a blend of fairly traditional academic classes in the morning and a mix of advisory, internships and projects in the afternoons. We are located on the Mount Si High School Campus on the ground floor of the Freshman Campus building. This gives our students the option to take one of the multitude of courses available at Mount Si, while still benefiting from our small community and flexible approach to education.

Our Vision

Two Rivers School will prepare all students for success in college, career and life to be compassionate contributors to a local and global community

Our Mission

To provide students in the Snoqualmie Valley School District with an individualized education that is rigorous and relevant, and prepares them for college, careers and life in the 21st Century.

Why Big Picture?

  • Student-Driven Option: As a Big Picture School, Two Rivers is designed to encourage and support students to take an active role in their education. Students choose an area of interest, participate in internships and benefit greatly from a mentorship with an adult in their field of study.
  • Interest-Based Learning: Traditional classes and grades are replaced with hands-on learning projects and “competency met” learning plans. Learning plans are designed by students and advisors (certified teachers) to meet set competencies. Students projects incorporate reading, writing, science, math and/or social studies, while advisors guide and support them along the way.
  • Community Partnership: Two days a week, regional businesses and organizations host Two Rivers students for daytime internships, where teens learn about real-world careers and expectations. Business partners also volunteer to work with students on campus, speak about their professions, and offer shadow days.
  • Any high school-aged Snoqualmie Valley student can apply for acceptance at Two Rivers High School.